The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (2024)

The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough
The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (1)
TypeHeleus assignments
Starting LocationCrater: Agneta, H-047c
Mission LocationCrater: Santiago, H-047c
Startaudio log
PreviousFrom the Dust

The Remnant Tiller is a heleus assignments mission.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Objectives
  • 3 Acquisition
  • 4 Walkthrough
    • 4.1 Find The Remnant Conservatory
    • 4.2 Explore The Remnant Conservatory
      • 4.2.1 Entering the Conservatory
      • 4.2.2 Take The Western Path
      • 4.2.3 Cross The Central Bridges To The Eastern Path
    • 4.3 Activate The Tiller
      • 4.3.1 Remnant Decryption Puzzle Solution

Description[ | ]

The Outlaws discovered a Remnant device in a Remnant conservatory on H-047c that they believed would unlock vast quantities of helium-3 to exploit. Attain that supply for the Initiative.


You have found a Remnant conservatory on H-047c. Its contents are unknown.

Objectives[ | ]

  • Find the Remnant conservatory
  • Explore the Remnant conservatory
  • Activate the Tiller

Acquisition[ | ]

This mission is normally started by completing From the Dust. When the final audio log is played from Elora found in the Crater: Agneta, this mission will be added to the Journal. This mission can also be acquired by directly going to the vault in Crater: Santiago. As soon as Ryder goes sown the Gravity Well, the mission will appear in the Journal.

Walkthrough[ | ]

Find The Remnant Conservatory[ | ]

The Conservatory is located at a navpoint in a shielded dome in Crater: Santiago in the western part of the map. (Add Map)

Head to the dome and enter. There are two containers to be found in this area. No items award RD and there are no mineral nodes to collect like other domes.

Head to the left hand side to find a Shipping Container that awards no RD when scanned but inside is a large container.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (2)

    Large Container

Head towards the east side of the dome to a gap between the large rocks and at the top of the slope near the orange shield is a small container.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (3)

    Small Container

Once the containers are collected, head down the ramp to the vault and open the doorway leading to the Gravity Well.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (4)

    Vault Entrance

Use the Gravity Well to enter the Conservatory.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (5)

    Gravity Well

Explore The Remnant Conservatory[ | ]

The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (6)

Ryder will come under fire right after landing from the trip down on the Gravity Well.

After the battle, there are supply caches on either side of the room to restore ammo, health, and power cells.

On the elevated platform to the north is an Adaptive Remnant Core Device that can be scanned for +100 Remnant RD.

SAM will inform Ryder that the facility can be started from a console deeper into the facility.

There is a Remnant console C1 that should open the large door D1 to the south but it isn't working. Scanning the console reveals that an Observer is needed to activate the console.

On the walkway next to the Gravity Well is a raised Remnant Console C2 that when activated shoots a beam of light towards an Observer Replication Control that spawns a friendly Observer.

Once the friendly Observer spawns, it will head towards the console C1 that opens the door D1 to the south.

Scan the console C1 when the Observer is close to the console and the Observer will transfer an energy beam to the console to open the door D1.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (7)

    Observer Energy Transfer

Be aware that Ryder may have to scan the console multiple times to get the observer to move towards the console and begin the transfer process.

Spawning and directing a friendly Observer to a console will be a concept used throughout this vault. Each console that needs an Observer to activate will have a small blue glowing observer over the console. Friendly Observers will also fight for Ryder until death, and if they die, a new one can be spawned at a console. Attempting to spawn a new Observer while the currently friendly one is still active will turn the friendly Observer hostile and Ryder will have to defeat the Observer before a new Observer can be spawned.

Head to the now opened door to the south to enter the Conservatory. The friendly Observer will stay in the Gravity Well room.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (8)

    Opened Southern Door

Entering the Conservatory[ | ]

After heading through the door, the path straight ahead to the final goal is blocked by an abyss. There are two paths with one leading to the left (Eastern) and the other to the right (Western).

Be aware that a number of Remnant enemies are in this starting area. Defeat them quickly before exploring.

While exploring this starting area, there are Remnant Shield Chargers (energy bubbles) that will continuously deplete or restore Ryder's shields if touched or entered. Any energy bubble that leaves a red circle on the ground will damage Ryder; any energy bubble that leaves a blueish-green circle on the ground will not harm Ryder. Further in the Conservatory energy bubbles can change types when consoles are activated so pay attention.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (11)

    Deplete Energy Bubble

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (12)

    Restore Energy Bubble

Located in this area are several ammo, health, and power cell supply caches. Restock as needed.

Also located in this area are a number of containers. The path to the left (Eastern) is blocked for now by the locked door D12. This means these containers can be collected without any enemy interference.

Climb up the steep rocks to the east to find a well hidden container. Down a small corridor on the Eastern path is another container.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (13)

    Rocks Container

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (14)

    Corridor Container

After collecting the containers, and any needed supplies, head to the Western path (right).

Take The Western Path[ | ]

As Ryder enters the Western path, there will be enemies patrolling that will need to be defeated before exploration can continue.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (15)

    Western Path

After combat, located in this area are ammo, health, and power cell supply caches. Restock as needed.

There is an Observer spawn console C3 located in this area. Spawn a new friendly Observer as the prior one will not follow Ryder from the Gravity Well room.

Turn around from the Observer spawn console and looking to the south is an access controlled corridor with large Remnant doors. These areas only allow one door to be open at a time. Ryder, the squadmates, and a friendly Observer will have to be inside the corridor before closing the door behind them or they won't be available.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (16)

    Access Control Corridor

There are a number of tasks that could be completed now in this area to save time but it is better to move forward, clear out all of the enemies, and have free access to the Western path area to complete the required actions.

Head into the access control corridor through door D2 and make sure that everyone is inside before activating Remnant Console C4. Activating C4 will change the energy bubble from restore to deplete, will close door D2, and open door D3. Be aware that enemies are in the next section so be prepared to fight.

After combat, located in this area are ammo, health, and power cell supply caches. Restock as needed.

Door D4 is currently locked and requires solving a puzzle to open.

To the east a series of Remnant Bridges will appear when Ryder approaches. Bridge B1 connects to a small central island and bridge B2 connects to the Eastern Path. Don't cross over at this time until all of the other tasks are completed on the Western Path.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (17)

    Central Bridges

There is a container in this area down a small corridor.

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Past the container is an Adaptive Remnant Core Device that can be scanned for +100 Remnant RD.

After exploring the area, the puzzle for opening door D4 can now be completed. Return back through doors D3 and D2 and activate Remnant Console C5 by scanning the console so the friendly Observer will transfer energy. If the Observer was destroyed during combat, return back to console C3 and spawn a new Observer.

Activating console C5 will open the square-shaped doors D5 and D6 to two alcoves in this area. Opening the alcoves allows access to consoles C6 and C7.

Return back through doors D2 and D3 and allow the friendly Observer to follow Ryder.

Activate Remnant Console C8 by scanning the console so the friendly Observer will transfer energy.

Activating console C8 will open the square-shaped doors D7 and D8 to two alcoves in this area. Opening the alcoves allows access to consoles C9 and C10.

Now that all of the alcoves are open, the puzzle can be solved by activating the four Remnant Consoles in the correct order. When the consoles are approached, glowing Remnant lights will appear in each alcove to give a hint of the correct order of activation. One light, two lights, three lights, and then four lights.

The correct order to interact with the consoles is C6, C7, C10, and C9. Activate the consoles in the correct order to solve the puzzle. After console C9 is activated, door D4 will open, and another access control corridor will be revealed.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (19)

    Console C6

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    Console C7

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (21)

    Console C10

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (22)

    Console C9

Head into the access control corridor through door D4 and make sure that everyone is inside before activating Remnant Console C11. Activating C11 will change the energy bubble from restore to deplete, will close door D4, and open door D9. Be aware that enemies are in the next section so be prepared to fight.

After combat, located in this area are ammo, health, and power cell supply caches. Restock as needed.

There is a container in this area down a small corridor.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (23)


There is a locked door D10 that looks like there is a chamber behind it but the door can't be opened. There is nothing in the chamber.

There are two alcoves in this section that can be explored. The northern alcove has the Adherence Glyph that can be scanned.

The southern alcove has a container.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (24)


Past the container is an Adaptive Remnant Core Device that can be scanned for +100 Remnant RD.

Cross The Central Bridges To The Eastern Path[ | ]

Return back through doors D9 and D4. Head east and a Remnant bridge B1 will appear allowing Ryder access to the central island. Continue east and another Remnant bridge B2 will appear leading to the Eastern path. Be aware that Remnant enemies will be in the Eastern path area and will have to be defeated before exploration can take place.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (25)

    Bridge B1

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (26)

    Bridge B2

After combat, located in this area are ammo, health, and power cell supply caches. Restock as needed.

The friendly Remnant Observer from the Western path won't cross over the bridges and so another Observer will need to be spawned. There are two additional access control corridors in this area one leading north and one to the south. Doors D11 and D12 lead back to the entrance while doors D13 and D14 lead to the needed Observer spawn console.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (27)

    North Access Control Corridor

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (28)

    South Access Control Corridor

Head into the access control corridor through door D13 and make sure that everyone is inside before activating Remnant Console C12. Activating C12 will close door D13 and open door D14. Be aware that enemies are in the next section so be prepared to fight.

After combat, located in this area are ammo, health, and power cell supply caches. Restock as needed.

The northern alcove contains a container.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (29)


There is an Observer spawn console C13 located in this area. Spawn a new friendly Observer.

Return back through doors D14 and D13 with the newly spawned friendly Observer and activate Remnant Console C14 by scanning the console so the friendly Observer will transfer energy.

Activating console C14 will open the square-shaped doors D15 and D16 to two alcoves in this area.

The northern alcove contains a small container.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (30)


The southern alcove contains an Adaptive Remnant Core Device that can be scanned for +100 Remnant RD.

After the items have been collected from the alcoves, head into the access control corridor through door D11 and make sure that everyone is inside before activating Remnant Console C15. Activating C15 will change the energy bubbles from deplete to restore, will close door D11, and open door D12. Be aware that enemies are in the next section so be prepared to fight.

Activate Remnant Console C16 by scanning the console so the friendly Observer will transfer energy. If the Observer was destroyed during combat, return back to console C13 and spawn a new Observer.

Activating console C16 will open the square-shaped door D17 to an alcove in this area. Be aware that when door D17 opens a hostile Observer will spawn inside the alcove and will have to be defeated. Opening the alcove gives access to a container, Magnitude Glyph, and the Semiosis Glyph that can be scanned.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (31)


Return back through doors D12/D11 and D13/D14 allowing the friendly Observer to follow Ryder.

Head into the access control corridor through door D18 and make sure that everyone is inside. This is the final access control corridor before the boss enemy fight with the Progenitor. There is a supply cache next to the Remnant Console C17 so restock before activating Remnant Console C17. Activating C17 will change the energy bubbles from restore to deplete, will close door D18, and open door D19. Be aware that enemies are in the next section so be prepared to fight.

During combat, located in this area are multiple ammo, health, and power cell supply caches. Restock as needed.

Activate The Tiller[ | ]

After the battle with the Progenitor, activate Remnant Console C18 by scanning the console so the friendly Observer will transfer energy. If the Observer was destroyed during combat, return back to console C13 and spawn a new Observer.

Activating console C18 will open the square-shaped doors D20 and D21 to two alcoves in this area.

The northern alcove has a container.

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The southern alcove has a container, the Nihility Glyph, and two data patterns that can be scanned. The data patterns do not award RD.

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After exploring the alcoves, head to the Remnant Console C19 and solve the remnant decryption puzzle. Stay away from the large columns of purple flames as they will cause constant damage.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (34)

    Purple Flame Columns

Remnant Decryption Puzzle Solution[ | ]

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (35)

    Vault Console

After completing the puzzle, SAM will comment about large machines moving deep underground but the outcome is unknown. Ryder says the team should head out of the vault. At this point, the purple flame columns will have gone out and two new bridges B3 and B4 will appear if Ryder heads north. These bridges allow a direct route to the Gravity Well room and the exit. Opening and closing access control corridor doorways is no longer required and Ryder can leave.

  • The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (36)

    Exit Bridges

The Remnant Tiller Walkthrough (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.