'We’re not stuck.' Why Boeing’s Starliner isn’t returning to Earth (yet) (2024)

'We’re not stuck.' Why Boeing’s Starliner isn’t returning to Earth (yet) (1)

The Starliner spacecraft docked with the International Space Station and orbiting 262 miles above Egypt's Mediterranean coast on June 13. NASA says additional testing is needed before Starliner can return to Earth. NASA/AP hide caption

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When astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams lifted off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on June 5, they thought they’d be back in plenty of time for the Juneteenth holiday.

The two were test-driving Boeing’s newest spaceship, called Starliner. All they had to do was put it through its paces, dock briefly with the International Space Station (ISS), and come home. The entire mission was supposed to last around a week.

Instead, a series of leaks and malfunctions have caused NASA to indefinitely delay the duo’s return.

Just whatever you do, don’t say they’re stranded.

“We’re not stuck on ISS,” Mark Nappi, Boeing’s vice president for its Commercial Crew Program, told reporters in a news conference on June 28. “The crew is not in any danger and there’s no increased risk when we decide to bring Suni and Butch back to Earth.”

Here’s what’s going on with Boeing’s newest spacecraft.

'We’re not stuck.' Why Boeing’s Starliner isn’t returning to Earth (yet) (2)

NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are seen aboard the International Space Station. The astronauts have had their return to Earth delayed while NASA conducts additional testing on Starliner's thrusters. NASA hide caption

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Even before this launch, there were problems

The development of Starliner has not gone smoothly. During its first test flight in 2019, which didn’t have people on board, it failed to reach its expected orbit. The problem was later traced to an onboard clock that was set incorrectly — causing the Starliner’s thrusters to fire at the wrong time.

Starliner never made it to the ISS on that trip, and NASA required a second test flight without any astronauts. When it launched again in 2022, two thrusters on Starliner failed to fire as expected. It successfully switched to backup thrusters and docked to the space station.

Astronauts were finally supposed to launch last year, but then Boeing found two more problems with the spacecraft: issues with the parachute system that would allow them to float back to Earth, and tape used to hold wiring that posed a potential fire risk. Fixing both issues pushed back the launch to this spring.

Finally, Williams and Wilmore were strapped in on May 6, when more problems appeared — a stuck valve on the rocket launching Starliner had to be replaced, and mission engineers discovered the Starliner itself was leaking helium.

Helium gas is used to pressurize Starliner’s propulsion system, and NASA took several weeks to determine the leaks weren’t serious enough to cause the helium to run out during the mission.

'We’re not stuck.' Why Boeing’s Starliner isn’t returning to Earth (yet) (3)

Boeing's Starliner capsule atop an Atlas V rocket finally lifted off from Space Launch Complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on June 5. The launch came after years of delays and setbacks. John Raoux/AP hide caption

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John Raoux/AP

Thruster cluster leads to fluster

When all systems were finally “go,” Starliner’s launch went off without a hitch. On June 5, Williams and Wilmore sailed into orbit.

But as they approached the ISS, new problems appeared. Five of 28 “Reaction Control System” thrusters aboard Starliner’s service module shut themselves down unexpectedly, and the spacecraft was left holding just outside the docking port, while engineers did some troubleshooting.

Eventually, the spacecraft docked successfully with the space station, and four of the five thrusters were brought back online. But NASA later disclosed it had found four additional helium leaks in different parts of the spacecraft, bringing the total to five.


After long delays, Boeing's Starliner capsule and crew launch into space

NASA now says that it needs to conduct additional testing and evaluation of these issues before Williams and Wilmore can return to Earth. Space agency engineers suspect that faulty seals may be behind the helium leaks, which they think pose little risk. But the thruster issues have been harder to pin down.

NASA says that starting this week, it will be conducting extensive tests of a Starliner thruster at its White Sands Test Facility in Las Cruces, N.M. The test thruster will be put through simulated launches, dockings and landing burns, to see if engineers can replicate the problems, and also confirm that the thrusters can safely be used to bring Williams and Wilmore home.

“Once that testing is done, then we’ll look at the plan for landing,” Steve Stich, the program manager on NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, told reporters. The entire process could take several weeks, he says.

Don’t say stuck

Even before the latest press conference, news media was speculating that Williams and Wilmore might be stuck aboard the station. It’s a claim that Boeing, in particular, seems to bristle at.

“The astronauts are not stranded at the ISS,” read the first line of the company’s statement on the matter, which NPR received on June 26.

'We’re not stuck.' Why Boeing’s Starliner isn’t returning to Earth (yet) (5)

As Starliner prepared to dock with the International Space Station, several thrusters failed to fire as expected. NASA/AP hide caption

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“They’re not stuck in space,” agrees Laura Forczyk, executive director of Astralytical, a space consulting group. The astronauts are comfortably housed at the International Space Station.

Starliner is designed to remain in space up to 210 days, according to Stich. This test flight was originally supposed to be limited to 45 days, due to the spacecraft’s battery life, but Stich says the space station is recharging the batteries as designed, and NASA is looking to extend that limit.

In a real pinch, NASA could use either a SpaceX Dragon capsule or a Russian Soyuz capsule to bring the duo home, but Forczyk doubts that will be necessary.


Boeing's Starliner Lands Safely Back To Earth After Aborted Space Station Mission

“I don’t see this as being anything critical, or life-threatening,” Forczyk says. “I just think they’re being extra cautious as they should be, because this vehicle is not operating as intended.”

Forczyk notes that the problems with the helium system and the thrusters are located in Starliner’s service module, a section of the spacecraft that will be jettisoned before landing. For that reason, she says, engineers may want to keep Starliner at the station longer, so they can gather more data from the module before it burns up during reentry.

As further evidence of NASA’s confidence in Starliner, Williams and Wilmore took shelter inside the spacecraft last week, after a Russian satellite broke apart, creating orbital debris that could have threatened the station.

“Butch and Suni got in the spacecraft, powered up the vehicle, closed the hatch, and were ready to execute … an emergency undock and landing,” Stich says.

Starliner’s future could be in limbo

In 2014, Boeing received a $4.2 billion contract from NASA to build Starliner. The spacecraft was supposed to ferry astronauts regularly to and from the International Space Station within the decade. Those flights are now years behind schedule, and the delays have cost Boeing at least $1.5 billion in losses.

Meanwhile, rival company SpaceX, which was awarded just $2.6 billion, successfully flew humans in 2020 and has completed eight regular crewed missions for NASA to the space station.

Ron Epstein, an analyst at Bank of America, says that the problems are part of bigger issues at the aerospace giant. “I don’t think you can look at it in isolation,” he says.

Boeing has also seenproblems with its 737 Max aircraft, including a door that flew off an aircraft earlier this year, and its delivery of two 747s to be used as the presidential Air Force One has also been delayed.

'We’re not stuck.' Why Boeing’s Starliner isn’t returning to Earth (yet) (7)

Starliner will eventually land somewhere in the western U.S., just as it did during an uncrewed flight test in 2022. Bill Ingalls/NASA/AP hide caption

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Bill Ingalls/NASA/AP

At its root, Epstein says these issues are caused by a move away from “hardcore engineering” within the company’s management.

“You have management teams over a number of years that have focused more on shareholder return than the core engineering business of the company,” he says.

Starliner’s first regular flight carrying astronauts to ISS is now scheduled for February 2025, but it’s unclear whether NASA will certify the new spacecraft in time. Even if it did, it would likely conduct just a handful of flights before NASA retires the Space Station in 2030.

Given all that, Epstein says it’s possible that, if NASA requires extensive modifications and fixes to Starliner, Boeing may decide to walk away from the program altogether.

“Boeing management has been clear, I think, to the investment community that Starliner and certain aspects of space are just not core to them,” he says. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the company wouldn’t want to continue.”

But Boeing’s Nappi says the company is fully committed to Starliner. “The plain and simple answer to the question is: ‘No, we’re not going to back out,’ " he says. “This is our job.”

'We’re not stuck.' Why Boeing’s Starliner isn’t returning to Earth (yet) (2024)


'We’re not stuck.' Why Boeing’s Starliner isn’t returning to Earth (yet)? ›

The development of Starliner has not gone smoothly. During its first test flight in 2019, which didn't have people on board, it failed to reach its expected orbit. The problem was later traced to an onboard clock that was set incorrectly — causing the Starliner's thrusters to fire at the wrong time.

How does Starliner return to Earth? ›

When it is time for Starliner to return, it will land in New Mexico. Starliner will "descend under parachutes to land in the desert grounds of White Sands," according to Boeing. After the ship slows to about 4 mph, airbags attached to the bottom will deploy and soften its landing.

Are the two astronauts still stuck in space? ›

The two astronauts currently stuck on the International Space Station might not be able to come down until August, Nasa has said. They were taken to the ISS on board Boeing's troubled Starliner capsule in June.

Why are the astronauts stranded in space? ›

Astronauts stuck in space in Boeing's Starliner are confident they'll return home despite mishaps. Helium leaks and thruster failures almost derailed their arrival at the International Space Station, and have kept them there much longer than planned.

What astronauts are stranded in space? ›

Veteran NASA astronauts Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Sunita "Suni" Williams have been on the Boeing Starliner, which started having issues during the spaceship's launch and flight last month, such as thruster malfunctions and helium leaks.

Can the shuttle bring satellites back to Earth? ›

Satellites recovered by the Space Shuttle

The first satellites to be recovered and brought back to Earth by the Space Shuttle were Palapa-B2 and Westar-6 in 1984. Both had been launched by STS-41B earlier that year, but both suffered failures of the launch mechanisms or payload assist modules.

What will happen if astronauts return to Earth? ›

Once the astronaut returns to Earth, they are immediately forced to readjust again, back to Earth's gravity, and can experience issues standing, stabilizing their gaze, walking, and turning. For their safety, returning astronauts are often placed in a chair immediately upon return to Earth.

Have any astronauts floated away in space? ›

Thankfully, an astronaut being irretrievably stranded away from their spacecraft has never happened before. The first astronaut to float away from the safety of their ship without a tether was Bruce McCandless, who reached 320 feet away from the Challenger space shuttle on February 7, 1984.

Has anyone been left behind in space? ›

Space career

Krikalev was stranded on board the Mir during the dissolution of the Soviet Union. As the country that had sent him into space no longer existed, his return was delayed and he stayed in space for 311 consecutive days, twice as long as the mission had originally called for.

Has anyone ever gone to space and not made it back? ›

Eleven people are known to have gone into space and not returned alive.

What happens to astronauts bodies when they are in space? ›

When you go to space, gravity weakens and thus fluids are no longer pulled down, resulting in a state where fluids accumulate in the upper body. This is why the face swells in space. The mucous membranes of the nose also swell, so astronauts often have congested noses.

Why do astronauts not freeze in space? ›

But the cold in space is only in those few particles that hardly ever collide with your body. Therefore, your body is not transferring any heat to anything as there is virtually nothing there. Now, it is true that your body will cool. However, the only way it does this in space is by a process called radiation.

What do astronauts do while not in space? ›

As a result, astronauts do a lot of work on earth. They carry out tasks based on their fields of expertise—providing support from earth for astronauts in space, developing experimental equipment used in the ISS, and formulating operational plans.

What do astronauts miss the most in space? ›

From the lecture of a former astronaut I heard that these are some things they really miss: Their families: They are up there for several months and contact with their family members is quite limited. Privacy: The ISS is a very small space to live on with several co-workers.

How many astronauts are lost in space? ›

Three of the flights had flown above the Kármán line (edge of space), and one was intended to do so. In each of these accidents the entire crew was killed. As of November 2023, a total of 676 people have flown into space and 19 of them have died. This sets the current statistical fatality rate at 2.8 percent.

What survived in space? ›

Tardigrades have survived exposure to outer space. There are about 1,300 known species in the phylum Tardigrada, a part of the superphylum Ecdysozoa consisting of animals that grow by ecdysis (shedding an exoskeleton) such as arthropods and nematodes.

How does a rocket ship come back to Earth? ›

As long as the thrust of the engines continues, the rocket accelerates. When the rocket runs out of propellant, the forces become unbalanced again. This time, gravity takes over and causes the rocket to fall back to Earth. Following its “landing,” the rocket is at rest again, and the forces are in balance.

How do space capsules return to Earth? ›

During re-entry, capsules can reach speeds of over 17,000 miles per hour. To safely land the crew aboard, parachutes are used to slow their descent before they officially splashdown into the ocean.

How do spacecrafts get information back to Earth? ›

In addition to direct-to-Earth communications, many NASA missions rely on relay satellites in order to get their data to the ground. For example, the space station communicates through Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS), which transmit data to ground stations in New Mexico and Guam.

How does space shuttle fly back to Earth? ›

The Shuttle flies at a high angle of attack during re-entry to generate drag to dissipate speed. It executes hypersonic "S-turn" maneuvers to kill off speed during re-entry. The lift of the wings is only important in the final flare maneuver at touchdown.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.