Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning Bring the CP Feels in Modern Photoshoot Promoting Their Currently Airing Drama The Story of Pearl Girl - A Koala's Playground (2025)

Posted on November 11, 2024 by ockoala

Hot damn why did the drama gods have to reunite Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning for their second go-around and this time both as first leads rather than their second lead romance and then NOT give them a great story. Ugh, I’m so frustrated with The Story of Pearl Girl but with zero complaints about these two in it just a lot of sadness over wasting their onscreen chemistry and visuals together. At least Youku grabbed them for a CP photoshoot released this week and it’s like water for a parched viewer in the desert, I’m drinking these two in and grinning like a looney because they are so cute together.

Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning Bring the CP Feels in Modern Photoshoot Promoting Their Currently Airing Drama The Story of Pearl Girl - A Koala's Playground (5)
Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning Bring the CP Feels in Modern Photoshoot Promoting Their Currently Airing Drama The Story of Pearl Girl - A Koala's Playground (7)
Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning Bring the CP Feels in Modern Photoshoot Promoting Their Currently Airing Drama The Story of Pearl Girl - A Koala's Playground (8)
Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning Bring the CP Feels in Modern Photoshoot Promoting Their Currently Airing Drama The Story of Pearl Girl - A Koala's Playground (9)
Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning Bring the CP Feels in Modern Photoshoot Promoting Their Currently Airing Drama The Story of Pearl Girl - A Koala's Playground (10)


Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning Bring the CP Feels in Modern Photoshoot Promoting Their Currently Airing Drama The Story of Pearl Girl — 66 Comments

  1. I know what you mean! I really wanted to like Zhao Lu Si’s drama but it’s just such a bore. I literally dropped it after a few episodes or more forgot to follow up on it. On the other hand I breezed thru Love game in eastern fantasy and couldn’t stop after checking out the first episode, was skeptical about the show but it won me over so fast. I like the characters, story and setup… the whole thing just works somehow. Very happy to have found a new addicting cdrama!

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  2. 🥰🥹 lol. They actually did his hair for these! Haha. If she doesn’t do any more work on her nose, she’ll be fine for the rest of her career! Siiiiigh. Now I really want them to get an actually good script together! 🙏🙏

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    • She needs to stop messing with her mouth and jawline as well…it’s so distracting due to how unnatural it looks. Her features are just not harmonious right now, unlike how it was before.

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      • She lost the cuteness unique to her. Yes she’s still beautiful. But now she looks similar to other people

    • Agree, she did LOSE that cuteness that was so unique and likeable. (Dating in the Kitchen). I took a peek at her latest drama, and it did not captivate.

      Kind of reminds of Lee Da-hae when I first saw her (with Lee Dong–wook in My Girl) – then she did PS upon PS – and gone was the healthy uniqueness.

      Now they both look generic. Gone is the unique cuteness factor.
      Park Min-young is going that way too, and sometimes it’s distracting

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  3. Already dropped TSOPG. This drama is just another shoddy piece of work pretending to advocate about female empowerment. Whoever’s doing the marketing for this drama should be fired as well. They started with selling the story as big female lead female empowerment, then now when they’re losing to LGIEF, they panicked and switched to selling romance instead.

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  4. Their height difference…wow.

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    • Yeah the height difference makes it so cute. Liu yuning physique is really good, especially when styled like this, he looks really hot

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      • Yes, Liu Yuning looks good here…Zhao Lusi does like to dress mature…

      • I wonder why LYN doesn’t try modern dramas. He does look way better in modern styles.

      • @Somebody, No good script, likely. To be honest, I have yet to watch many good modern dramas these days. I find more modern dramas are often Families dramas or the Sex & City friendships or Coming of age or China propaganda or Detective etc…
        I think Liu Yuning should try Detective/legal dramas. No need for romance…

      • @HL, nothing much for you to explore modern Cdramas, TBH. I’ve been there and it’s mostly a huge waste of time. Once I’d spot something starting intriguing but then it went south and I had to drop. This had happened again and over again that I have nothing positive to say about modern dramas.

        That being said, LYN does look way better in modern styles. Costume magnifies his visual weakness, nowhere to hide. His visuals in costume are distracting and diminish my interest to follow his stories. I’m a visual freak!!!!! LOL

  5. LYN is good looking. But he needs to get a good style to show that. But Pearl Girl style totally doesn’t suit him. Love this CP visual and chemistry btw

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  6. I saw the video clips for this photoshoot. Sorry, I did not find it to be attractive. She really should stop doing her own make up.

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  7. And her fans were saying LYN is ugly, her drama name should be The story of the plastic girl.
    I really liked her in the long ballad and hidden love but naah.. WHY THE HECK DID HE GO THROUGH PROCEDURES TO LOOK LIKE AN ANOTHER DOUYIN GIRL?? no some douyin girls are better looking than her also her acting in in TSOPG isn’t that good either.
    Sorry to say this but lusi lost her charm (atleast for me)

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    • LOL Story of Plastic Girl…that a good one

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    • Their fans like to attack her co-workers. Crazy

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  8. Glad @Koala you still like them in spite of not enjoying TSOPG. I think this is as good as it gets, I don’t think they will have another drama together. But I’m thankful, after The Long Ballad. Although they were captivating there, because they had an organic, unassuming love arc. No major angst or revenge about their coming together. Just a hidden love from the character of LYN to that of ZLS. And he won her over with his pure sincerity. It was heartwarming to watch. (And I still re-watch it some times.) And ZLS was so simple but she came to her own as an Emperor’s daughter in the story, ready to defend the people she loves. There’s more going on in TSOPG and both are playing heavy (burden) roles. I will still enjoy it as I like this CP. But I miss their rawness and simplicity in The Long Ballad. One other thing too is that the ending of TSOPG might be a BE. Hope not. So I’m bracing myself and waiting for more episodes to drop before I watch it again. *Fingers-crossed*

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  9. I really like Pearl Girl. It’s very good! and I just finished episode 23 and its getting more interesting. I got a feeling the two will have a great story eventually fingers crossed.

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    • Yeah, it’s so good. I’m enjoying how she is fighting them all alone. And every episode is fast paced. Don’t know what they’re talking about its pacing being slow.

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  10. Her plastic surgery is horrible. And no amount of money will convince me LYN is attractive in any way shape or form.

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    • That’s great to hear! One less person to fight with me for LYN~

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  11. The photoshopping is so heavy they look like AI generated in a bad way. Their expressions are so odd in some of these shots. ZLS seems to be trying her very hardest to look sexy as always and LYN is just in a different photoshoot altogether.

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  12. Nothing says female empowerment as selling CP.

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  13. They should’ve done it in a jewelry store hahaha. Showcase some gorgeous pearl accessories or something hehe

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  14. I wish they would have done a modern drama these pics eat. They really look so cute together.

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    • Yeah modern drama would be fun especially the height difference would be so cute

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  15. My, if it isn’t the most hated ugly couple over here. Let’s hear the looks and body critics. Always entertaining.

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  16. Photoshopped and filter much?! Lol
    She’s pretty and cute previously but somehow now she looks like many of the 1000 YouTubers, if she likes it good for her but I can only ask why with sadness.
    And for LYN, he has charisma (in the right roles) but he’s absolutely not handsome visual – so whenever any drama of his tries to sell that he is the most good looking person in the universe – I just roll my eyes and trust me at times when I see comments gushing about his looks I’m honestly confused.

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    • Just because you are unable to appreciate something doesn’t mean others can’t appreciate it. The world does not contain only you.

      I think LYN is gorgeous, he’s totally my cup of tea.

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      • Well said! Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. If you roll your eyes on your “ugly” there will be some who likewise will roll their eyes on your “pretty”. And vice-versa.

  17. I watched a video of them cooking together and they looked cute, especially with their high differences

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  18. Hey, it’s the Let’s Hate On ZLS and LYN Show. Everybody lets gather around and point at them and mock: Ug-ly, ug-ly, ug-ly.

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  19. All I notice is how freaking tall and huge he is. Good grief. Is there an actress who can match his height. Do the dramas even capture his true height? Do they make her use a step in romantic scenes like they did for Korean drama city hunter? lol if he did not wear such platform shoes would he be so tall? So amusing 😄

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    • Ni Ni maybe…but she is older..I dont know when she will act again..I bet she rejected many scripts over the years.

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  20. STOP THE HATE already! If you are a fan of YSX and trying to promote LGIEF then do it properly rather than saying that you want ZLS and LYN as second leads and that TSOPG is not great. Only a blind person with so much hatred can do black marketing just to say bad things about it and even letting other people to post hate comments about ZLS’s looks, about her drama and calling both leads ugly. Why choose hate rather than uplift each other (Women).

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    • People can enjoy or don’t like any drama. Doesn’t mean she’s a hater just because she said Tsopg isn’t great.
      I like lusi in HL but i don’t like PG and i enjoyed lgief more. Is that mean i’m a hater too?
      Your blindly assumption when people said PG isn’t good is a hater only proofing how delusional you as lusi fans.

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    • These people are not YSX’s fans lol. They are probably the same people that make fun of her voice and/or claim her success is mostly due to her “family’s background.” I would just ignore them.

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    • @Lina It’s easy to be on the top with paid hot searches to boost popularity and black hot searches for the story of pearl and Lusi, fake reviews and likes. It’s obvious you’re a hater of Lusi. You thought you’re smart lol 🤡 enjoy your 5 min fame while it lasts.

      BTW fyi, the story of pearl girl is still on top on every international platform, while your fav hasn’t managed to be not even once, you must be sad.

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      • @Rose you really are one of lusi unhinged fans🤣
        How come you said i’m a hater just because i enjoy lgief more?
        And what international platform? Don’t be delusional, PG won’t have a peck what HL achieve in international platform.
        You must be crying all week when even PG lost from romance of the alley in the mainland.

        Your delusion that people won’t watch because black marketing and not because the boring plot is severe,
        Idc either way, but I sympathize with lusi, she catch bad luck for this drama mainly because her fans that likes to cursing other artist and playing victim.

      • @lina I see you are a teenager. Watching a gaming drama is for kids.🤮 I can’t stop laughing at you 🤣 You should stop being a hypocrite as an Esther Fan! The TSOPG is doing great! Maybe you can’t accept that ZLS is much better than your so called idol.Even tiktok is full of Pearl Girl. Why would I cry? I know Lusi is way better.

        No. It’s not delusion because we have evidences of your black marketing as a water army being paid to do so.

      • Show evidence.

      • @Rose
        Tiktok?🤣🤣 In tiktok FOF far more superior than your fave drama.
        Douyin and xhs full of lgief.
        Her fans really life in delusion,
        Where is the your so called evidence? Coz i can give you the same amount evidence that lgief got, is that means they got sabotage from your fave too?

        Reading your so called *conspiracy* i believe you are the teenager ones.
        Nobody with sane mind would so deep in her delusion about my fave always number 1, when she is not, it’s because someone sabotage it.
        That’s the disaster recipe coz it means your fave won’t get any critics and won’t growth because her unhinged fans like you

  21. I like the photoshoot, they look good together. Always a hate train when it comes to these two, so tiring. We wouldn’t be hearing any so much of these two if only the two dramas didn’t get pitted against each other unnecessarily.

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  22. CP promotions are very normal, even a female centric drama like The Double had photoshoots before and after airing. I like these type of tall short couples maybe i should watch TSOPG. LYN is looking great in modern clothes.

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  23. LYN looks good here but I always prefer guys with less makeup & of course no lipstick. ZLS always looks good to me.

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  24. I’m with Ms Koala, I love this photoshoot of ZLS and LYN. I’m also enjoying TSOPG, which although it has some odd editing breaks/continuity issues, the characters are interesting, as is the story. I like her journey she is taking, and I look at how she is able to move in different levels of society as reflecting that she is adaptable, learning from what she’s seen, since she was able to learn accounting and how to read from her mother at the same time as continuing the pearl diving. Her drive to succeed – and she soaks up whatever info comes her way. Just my thoughts so far. I’m watching LGiEF as well, and also really enjoying that one. They are both so different in tone and characters. I enjoy the main CPs in the two dramas. I’m happy both of them are doing so well in the ratings.

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  25. LYN and Lusi absolutely looks good great together. TSOTPG has flaws but it also watchable depending on what u are in the mood for. I felt this role really stretch lusi ability has an actress in a way and even though the script is not great,am glad she get to play this role.

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    • I do have moments in the drama I go…Lusi is handling this scene very well… I can see her taking ownership of this character…still not all flawless but enough for me to not drop the drama as yet. Same apply to Liu Yuning, I can see he is more relaxed compared to the last time I saw him. I am glad both Liu Yuning and Zhao Lusi got to play the roles too..

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      • I do think LYN’s acting better in PG than in A Journey to Love where his acting is more one-dimensional. ZLS is versatile and emoted sadness pretty well. I started to see their brewing chemistry. I’m slowly following PG just to see how ZLS’ story develops and switching among different dramas depending on mood, that is rare to me LOL. I finally picked up a much-talked old Kdrama, the Penthouse, which is a soap-opera-ish and chaotic mess but man how I’m addicted to that huge collection of lunatic nonsense. LOL.

      • @Somebody, I know Penthouse… Gosh. Mild compared to what the Americans can produces but still interesting.

  26. I don’t get this random hate. I love the chemistry btw these two and the photoshoot screams chemistry for me. I loved the Bts video of this as well!!!

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  27. LYN’s looks suit modern dramas more than historicals. He should give those a break.

    I’m having trouble finishing the 1st episode of TSOPG, but I’m not sure if it’s because of the characterization, the ML (bad styling), the tone or the story in general. It’s just very difficult to get the momentum to move forward. Like, who wants to see a girl suffer for like 2+ episodes straight with little reprieve? Maybe I should skip the 1st 2 episodes and watch the 3rd? There’s a drama with Xing Fei called “Lost Track of Time” and the prelude to the show was seeing how her entire family was destroyed by her husband and how she ended up. I skipped those too. But then the rest of the drama kept me hooked. Does it get better from episode 3?

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    • I dropped because the story is starting to shift into a revenge story focusing around the male lead. Idk if the plot returns to ZLS’s character but that arc turned me off because of all the advertising about this being a female centric drama, starting with the title itself. It reminded me of how haywire the plot for AJTL went midway as well. Both times with LYN lol. He should star in a male centric drama for once.

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      • U should continue, it goes back to her story where she start playing mind games

  28. Also, ZLS started messing with her looks after the Versace debacle where people said she looked like a kid and has none of the polished vibe that Versace was looking for. She got a lot of flack for that.

    Now she looks more mature, which suits these older styles, and acts in genres that matches her age. It’s a good thing, but it seems to come on rather suddenly…

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    • U should not skip it, that first episodes is the start of her journey, it a little heavy but it explains her her behaviour going forward, the business aspect is not fun in the beginning but it get better with each episode has the story progressed and dive into the characters. The show overall is heavy in tone, I would advised u to watch it in one go after the release of SVIP episodes still the end next week. I feel it make u enjoy the show better without the breaks

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    • I am sure unsure about her new eye makeup techniques…with practise, I am sure it will get better…

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      • The eye makeup is silly. Lol. To each their own, I guess, but in “Pearl Girl”, because her makeup is more natural, she still looks similar to her old self. When they do her makeup for shoots and events, eeeeepp! She looks so plastic weird!! Please STOP. Her nose contour actually exaggerates her nose! Please calm down, ZLS or ZLS’ makeup team. Lol

      • I don’t like her makeup style but I’m glad she’s not bringing it into her drama. She’s still young. Give it a few more years, and by the time she’s 30, she’d probably give up wanting to keep up that look. I wore dress shirts and dress pants a lot when I was her age – in pretty much every setting. 6 years later, I was in cute a-line and skater skirts and dresses all the time.

    • Am probably the only who thinks ,she hasn’t really done anything to her face , except for the weight loss that has made her loss her facial fat making her features more prominent. Her makeup also play a role , without it u clearly see the nose a little wide and the cleft underneath the middle part of her nose.

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  29. I don’t really like the photos where they’re both in black, but the ones where she is wearing the long-sleeve black dress and he has the beige cardigan are cute – especially the one where they’re on the bean bag chairs. I know modern cdrama rom-coms don’t do so well, but I hope they can costar in one.

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  30. The first photo looks gorgeous. ZLS is beautiful from that angle. Even LYZ isn’t bad in the pic. LOL.

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  31. I like ZLS but she needs to pick better scripts. She’s a big name and can probably carry a drama since she’s a traffic star but her recent dramas have been forgetful. I also don’t have hope for her upcoming modern cdramas.

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    • Actually, I’m liking that she has been picking and trying out different things each time. Each drama the last few years showcased different aspects of her acting skills and that’s why I always click to see what she is up to. Some might not like all the drama she chose, but every one of them was very well-done, with good actors.

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  32. Love the chemistry between these two <3

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Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning Bring the CP Feels in Modern Photoshoot Promoting Their Currently Airing Drama The Story of Pearl Girl - A Koala's Playground (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.